Thursday, April 9, 2015

Post 5

    This is the last dispensation of the Lord, and nothing can stop the church from growing. The church membership is the strongest in number it has ever been. This is through the faithful service of missionaries and through the ease of information that anyone can access. Computer Science is a relatively new field of study that has come about due to the Lord's intent and purposes to be fulfilled. He is hastening his work and giving all of his children and opportunity to accept the truth. I am deeply humbled at the opportunities that lay before me in potentially developing life altering services through my use of computer science. Regardless, if I ever work for the church, I can still produce significantly helpful programs that can emphasize my standings with the Lord.

Study Journal 7

Tuesday Mar. 31
    • the article The Church and Computers: Using the Tools the Lord has provided was a nice breathe  of fresh air. Whenever computer use is brought up in a church setting 99% of the time pornography is mentioned. It was nice to hear more about their benefits and less about their harm. 
    • The redesign of in recent years is a risky bid, because some members may post harmful information despite having good intentions. However, I believe this is minimal and I feel the use of peer to peer is effective.
    • Computers, "If we don't use them to teach his gospel, Satan will use them to lead the people astray" (Elder Packer). This inspired me to maybe let my testimony be heard by starting a blog or simple post on various sites. We never know the good we could have. 
    Thursday April 2
    • The technology departments of the church literally have an eternal impact. With so many tools available, it helps people build a testimony and prepare for the blessings of God. 
    • The firewalls that the church puts up reminds me of the walls Captain Moroni had built to combat the armies of the Lamanites from invading their cities (Alma 49). Much in the same way, the church is trying to preserve their lives and beliefs. 
    • The fact that people are trying to hack into and sabotage the church is another testament to me that this is the Lords church and that the work will roll forward. 
    Tuesday April 7

    • The tools that the world has available today to learn, teach, and prepare for celestial glory is a testament to me that the Lord is hastening his work. 
    • I found it quite humbling that the church has invested millions in the accumulation of family records. Love really is the motivating factor and is the most enduring of all other emotions. 
    • Family history is essential. Not only is the work of the Lord done for the living, but it is done for the dead. This really shows the love of God because no one is going to be forgotten. 
    • Perhaps one is left without excuse for not doing family history work. Despite the intimidating aspects of the unknown, the websites and resources at hand are the simplest and most efficient the world has ever had in doing genealogy.

    Thursday April 9

    • I'm kinda of a wuss so I don't try things that are going to break bones, but I never really thought that putting our bodies in situations that can harm them physically plays into keeping our bodies clean.
    • I've always carried the view that the most important asset the Lord has entrusted in us to care for is our own bodies. Our Bodies are awesome and complex. It is irreplaceable and magnificent. 
    • It is ironic that the devil seeks to destroy what he doesn't have, a body. 
    • Our bodies are meant to be kept in firm health. It is the personal thing to care for most. 

    Monday, March 30, 2015

    Post 4

          Perhaps, one of the most interesting phenomenons within the last fifteen years is the unforeseen impact of Social media. According to the Alexa top 500 websites, Facebook is currently ranked number two, Youtube is in the number three spot, and Twitter is at number eight. People like to interact. Social Media provides the ability for anyone to interact with a one to many approach. This has frustrated the business world which is now under the constant pressure of negative reviews surfacing and spreading. Yet, this isn't a bad thing because it holds any business with customer service to a higher standard of ethics and service. People tend to trust the reviews of their fellow peers despite the bias. For better or worse, people post their opinions and views. Even the growing threat of the radical terrorist group ISIS, is using Twitter as a means of recruiting internationally. While others are posting articles relaying the brutality of this middle eastern organization. Social media has been an intricate part of the evolution in the world wide web and the interactions the world now shares together. 

    Tuesday, March 24, 2015

    Study Journal 6

    Tuesday Mar. 17
    • Women are a minority in the CS field, which is to their advantage. However, i don't believe in a causation that can be attributed to this result. I personally think, most women probably don't find it to be an attractive major of study. Most sane people don't. 
    • I didn't realize that gender had anything to do with technological barriers or differences. It sounds like hog wash. The fact that anyone is saying that technology needs to be adapted to a specific gender sounds like they have an excessive amount of time to waste. Why is this a concern? 
    • I do see validity in getting both genders involved in a predominately gender specific field. Both bring character and insight to the area of interest. If more women were in computer science, we would probably be years ahead in technology due to their contributions. 
    • Hearing all the harassment stories makes me feel a bit uneasy about what I may encounter in the workforce. Probably best to keep my composure in a situation as such. 
    Thursday Mar. 19
    • The "problem" of getting women in the field of computer science is not a problem in my opinion.In fact it seems laughable to think it is a problem.People get caught up with minimal trivial issues that warrant no attention. A problem in my mind is the growing threat of ISIS or the people suffering in prison camps in North Korean. Bigger fish, real problems.
    • Women or other minorities of any given field shouldn't feel the pressure of being forced one way or another. For instances, pressure to get more men as elementary school teachers. Let people follow their own pursuits. 
    • I have made it a point to introduce people to programming. It is a wonderful thing to learn. Perhaps if they introduce programming to children at a younger age then they would get a much broader range of people in CS fields. 
    • The statistics shown in class were really annoying. There are advantages to being a majority and a minority. Our class discussion was so focused on minority that we completely discredited the majority.
    Tuesday Mar. 24
    • Time is arguably one of the most precious assets a person has. It is irreplaceable. Therefore, wasting away in front of a television or video game should be a huge red flag. Video games can be a good way to distress, but they should never take precedence. 
    • When I was young I got sucked into the online game Warcraft. It is the closest thing to an addiction I have ever experienced. However, now that I'm older and my time is constrained, I don't play or even consider playing games that could in anyway have a negative impact. 
    • Not to discredit "parental spot-checks," but I personally respected the trust my parents enlisted in me. 
    • 53 hours on entertainment each week sounds horrible. If people took those 53 hours and developed a talent or skill, just imagine what the world could accomplish. I probably spend 53 hours or more a week, but about 90% of my time is spent preparing a future for myself.
    Thursday Mar. 26
    • the article stated that it took a random sample through phone polling. If I've learned anything from statistic 101 it is that phone surveys carry heavy bias in their results. Which frustrates the validity of the results. 
    • What is the standard of measurement of a "major impact"? The article isn't clear on this. This again makes the results difficult to follow. 
    • The power of information is incredible. The recent Sony attack is an example of how damaging information leaks can be. 
    • Sexting is an interesting addition to the worlds culture. No matter the advancement in technology, people are always looking to fill their appetites by making sex a part of it.
    Tuesday Mar. 31
    • the article The Church and Computers: Using the Tools the Lord has provided was a nice breathe  of fresh air. Whenever computer use is brought up in a church setting 99% of the time pornography is mentioned. It was nice to hear more about their benefits and less about their harm. 
    • The redesign of in recent years is a risky bid, because some members may post harmful information despite having good intentions. However, I believe this is minimal and I feel the use of peer to peer is effective.
    • Computers, "If we don't use them to teach his gospel, Satan will use them to lead the people astray" (Elder Packer). This inspired me to maybe let my testimony be heard by starting a blog or simple post on various sites. We never know the good we could have. 

    Wednesday, March 18, 2015

    Post 3

         The ongoing internal battle that individuals have to overcome once inflicted with an addiction, can be a frustrating pursuit. This is exemplified in the Ensign article Tangled in the Web. The best measure of fighting an addiction is to never develop one. Yet, through curiosity or just unlucky stumbling across the web, one may find themselves encompassed in a net. Such addictions maybe the result of an unhealthy amount of time on a social network, or more commonly, a lure towards pornography. The boldness of our recent guest speaker Charles Knutson was a refreshing reminder of the plague that pornography has had with the growth of the internet. As he pointed out, it is within reason to assume that most individuals in class, if not all individuals, have seen or still currently see pornographic material. This causes a stirring question, if everyone is doing it, is it normal? Regardless, what the world agrees as acceptable, it does not mean that it should be acceptable to us. If an addiction is taking control of one's life, take life back by getting help. Everyone has his or her own shortcomings, some more visible than others, but everyone has a divine potential that he  she can reach if not hindered by an addiction.

    Monday, March 16, 2015

    Study Journal 5

    Thursday Mar.5
    • It's a frightening thought that such a fundamental financial  instrument such as the stock market can be exploited. Everyone invests in the stock market, most putting their live savings in. It would be tragic to lose it due to the inside knowledge others may have about certain stocks.
    • Taking a company public before they are even profitable sounds like the climatic plot in a horror movie. This is is utter non-sense. One might as well fabricate the very existence of a company and list it for an IPO. 
    •  "Venture capital is the definition of greed". I resent this statement because it groups all venture capitalist together with the label of selfishness. I hope to be financially well off enough to fulfill the role of a venture capitalist. I'm more about the vision, but I admit the money is a good perk.  
    • The very corruption that is brought on by greed does effect the market and people who invest. So much so that it could lead us into a recession or a depression after a market crash due to bad stocks.
    Tuesday Mar.10
    • The trade off that comes with new technology made me think of all the times I've tried to have an intelligent, personal, conversation with a girlfriend only to have her face buried in her stupid cell phone.
    • The author of postman is a bit pessimistic concerning trade offs  He is valid in assuming that such trade offs exist, but if new advances in technology where really that bad, then we would do away with them.I believe the world is better off today in regards to living a comfortable life than it ever has been. 
    • The example of a blacksmith losing his job due to the inventions of the automobile, may arguably be someone who was harmed by advances in technology. However, automobile manufacturing created numerous jobs, from the factory worker to the road construction workers.
    • Why can't we solve the world problems if we have all the information to do so? There are many lurking variables to this question, but I do believe that the world has the means and knowledge to solve or at least make the an accurate solution to world problems like finding a home for the homeless.
    • The amount of bias the author holds is extremely frustrating to me. He makes some valid points, but more often than not his foot ends up in his mouth because he leans so far to one side without approaching potential positives of the other side.
    Thursday Mar.12
    • I have heard that people become so engrossed by aspects on the internet (besides pornography) that they spend a disproportional amount of there day on the computer. It reminds me of myself, but most my time is not on the internet, but programming. How frustrating!
    • The ideal behind temptation being a funnel was pleasantly logical. Once in, it is difficult to get out, but certainly not impossible. Everyone falls in once in a while, the trick is not rebounding. 
    • If I knew that creating something as simple as a website could have a drastic detrimental impact, but provide more good than bad, I would proceed. I tend to follow the form of pleasing the majority over the minority. This made me think of my website I'm currently creating,  a lot of good with the potential of a lot of bad. However, it is the users agency, not mine. 
    • I also wanted to point out that I liked how blunt the guest speaker was. He made solid points about pornography and did not deny that most people have or had a problem with its enticing lure.  

    Monday, March 9, 2015

    Current Event Post 3

                When the newest technologies are released to the public, it is met with excitement and curiosity. One does not generally associate new technology as something that could be potentially hazardous or disadvantageous. Such an idea is mocked in big budget Hollywood films such as Terminator or The Matrix. However, the article makes one of the boldest of claims, namely that technology is consuming jobs as stated, "machines automate processes and do the work of 10 people with one computer". A valid point and at first glance a rather frightening perceptive. However, fields in technology are some of the highest in demand and are expecting to see a surge in job openings through 2020. In other words, there is more a demand than there is a supply of people to fulfill the jobs. Yet, one should not dismiss the assumption that more jobs could be available if not for the disadvantage of technology. Perhaps the only solution is for individuals to chase the surplus market of opening positions or for society to advance so far in technology that the machines do everything for the people.It doesn't seem practical to accept the Wall-E scenario of allowing the machines to run everyone's lives, therefore one should learn technology in a manner as one may learn how to walk or write.